People had asked this many times and that is why they came up with methods and standards that will answer these type of questions. You can look it up in the NIST or the National Institute for Standards and Technology.
We assume you are converting between moles CO2 and gram. You can view more details on each measurement unit: molecular weight of CO2 or grams This compound is also known as Carbon Dioxide. The SI base unit for amount of substance is the mole. 1 mole is equal to 1 moles CO2, or 44.0095 grams.
Answer: 250
You work this problem by using proportions.
A proportion is the equalization of two ratios.
Here you assume that the ratio of fish with tags to total fish that you catch is the same than the ratio of fish with tags to total fish in the pond.
- 5 fish with tag / 25 fish = 50 fish with tag / x
Solve for x:
- Multiplication property of equality: x × 5 = 50 × 25
- Division property of equality: x = 50 × 25 / 5
- Result: 250
1 gramo de metano aporta 50.125 kilojoules.
1 gramo de metano aporta 48.246 kilojoules.
La cantidad de energía liberada por la combustión de una unidad de masa del hidrocarburo (
), en kilojoules por mol, es igual a la cantidad de energía liberada por mol de compuesto (
), en kilojoules por mol, dividido por su masa molar (
), en gramos por mol:
A continuación, analizamos cada caso:

1 gramo de metano aporta 50.125 kilojoules.

1 gramo de metano aporta 48.246 kilojoules.
In 1827, Brown observed, using a microscope, that small particles ejected from pollen grains suspended in water executed a kind of continuous and jittery movement, this was named “Brownian motion”. ... This random movement of particles suspended in a fluid is now called after him.
HOPE this helps :)