the continents of earth were clustered together in formation that a scientist named Pangaea.
Before 300 million years ago, our earth was not made up of 7 different continent what we have now. Instead it was single huge mass land that was surrounded by a single ocean called Panthalassa. A lot of migration and collision lead to the formation of Pangaea. An Scientist named Albert Wegener gave the name Pangaea. Later, Pangaea was broken into Gondwanaland and Laurasia.These Lands were then divided into 7 continents.
Well, something that I noticed is that the left side is equal to the right side meaning that the sum of the right side is equal to the sun of the left side.
Physical change
The molecules are being rearranged as the water changes phases from liquid to gas, but this doesn't change the chemical structure of the water.
I am not sure i am so sorry