Note: For equations refer the attached document!
The net upward pressure force per unit height p*D must be balanced by the downward tensile force per unit height 2T, a force that can also be expressed as a stress, σhoop, times area 2t. Equating and solving for σh gives:
Eq 1
Similarly, the axial stress σaxial can be calculated by dividing the total force on the end of the can, pA=pπ(D/2)2 by the cross sectional area of the wall, πDt, giving:
Eq 2
For a flat sheet in biaxial tension, the strain in a given direction such as the ‘hoop’ tangential direction is given by the following constitutive relation - with Young’s modulus E and Poisson’s ratio ν:
Eq 3
Finally, solving for unknown pressure as a function of hoop strain:
Eq 4
Resistance of a conductor of length L, cross-sectional area A, and resistivity ρ is
Eq 5
Consequently, a small differential change in ΔR/R can be expressed as
Eq 6
Where ΔL/L is longitudinal strain ε, and ΔA/A is –2νε where ν is the Poisson’s ratio of the resistive material. Substitution and factoring out ε from the right hand side leaves
Eq 7
Where Δρ/ρε can be considered nearly constant, and thus the parenthetical term effectively becomes a single constant, the gage factor, GF
Eq 8
For Wheat stone bridge:
Eq 9
Given that R1=R3=R4=Ro, and R2 (the strain gage) = Ro + ΔR, substituting into equation above:
Substituting e with respective stress-strain relation
Eq 10