Electromagnetic waves are a type of
transverse wave. This wave does not
require media for travel. As the name
implies a wave, these waves indicate
electrical and magnetic properties. No
cost whatsoever happened to the wave. Electromagnetic waves work with the
laws of reflection and refraction. They
travel the straight line in a vacuum at a
speed of 3 x 108 ms-1. The intensity of
electromagnetic waves depends on the
strength of the electric field.
a. It occures in binary systems where one of them is a whitedwarf
Because an object in rest stays in rest until an unequal force pushes it so gravity is pushing on the egg making it drop
La palabra silueta se deriva del nombre de Étienne de Silhouette, una ministra de finanzas francesa que, en 1759, se vio obligada por la crisis crediticia de Francia durante la Guerra de los Siete Años a imponer severas demandas económicas al pueblo francés, particularmente a los ricos.