The answer is B.
Diabetes and heart disease can easily be cause by overweight .
(Correct me if I am wrong)
Oh the answer is nothing. Poor people have nothing. Rich people need nothing. if you eat nothing you die.
protein is normal
uric acid is normal
keytone bodies is abnormal
creatinine is normal
ammonia is abnormal
glucose is normal
I would say C. you wanna know whats going on inside your body creating a little one, after taking a pregnancy test always go to your doctor to confirm the pregnancy and of course no smoking, and avoid alcohol. The more prepared you are about everything may help some people put their mind at ease.
Types are
- Type 1 diabetes
-Type 2 diabetes
-Gesational diabetes
What it does
-Type 1 diabetes affect major organs in your body, including heart, blood vessles, nerves, eyes, kidneys .
-Type 2 diabetes wreak havoc on blood vessles all over the body and cause complictions, it can severly damage the eyes, kidneys, nerves and other body parts and cause sexual problems and double the risk of heart attack and stroke
- Gestational diabetes are diagnosed for the first time during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes affects how cells use sugar, it causes high blood pressure that can affect the pregnancy and the babys health