See the explanation below.
Circulation of blood and oxygen is possible in body when circulatory system work along with respiratory system. Through tranche air moves in and out from lungs, whereas, through pulmonary arteries and veins (both connected to heart) blood moves in and out from the lungs. As Lucille is facing problem in his respiratory and circulatory system hence, it is difficult for him to play soccer because under normal circumstances when there is increase in physical activity then muscle cell respire more as compare to when the body is on rest. So, with increase of physical activity there is also increase in the rate of breathing which result in more absorption of oxygen and more removal of carbon dioxide but if there is problem in respiratory and circulatory system, for example, infection in throat due to pollution,etc. then this normal process of breathing gets affected which sometime may prove fatal to the person.
The rate of change of distance is defined as speed.
The speed is defined as the rate of change of distance.
Speed = distance/ time
When we know the distance and the time, we get the value of speed. So, e know that who is moving fast or slow.
hen a graph is pltted beteen the distance and time, the slope of the graph gives the value of speed. So, by checking the slopes, hoseslope ismore, the speed is more and thusit is moving faster.
So, i agree with the statement.
give brainliest please
T- lymphocytes or T cells
Answer: Ain't its because how light the feather is ? It's not as heavy.
Explanation: With air resistance, acceleration throughout a fall gets less than gravity (g) because air resistance affects the movement of the falling object by slowing it down. ... Usually, resistance is not very high at low speed or for small or sharp objects (Google Source if needed to prove yours answer)
Generally speaking, negative ions increase the flow of oxygen to the brain resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness, and more mental energy.