B. Interdependence among specie
One of Eight Planets : Earth
Spiral galaxy, One of the estimated billions of galaxies: Milky Way
Galaxy: Milky Way
According to the definition, appositive or apposition is a grammatical construction which represents similar noun phrases and nouns where one serves or defines the other one.
Here, the ultimate examples of apposition are mentioned in the given statement as Earth: One of Eight Planets, Milky Way: Spiral Galaxy and one of the estimated billions of galaxies: Milky Way.
With such kinds of words, it's easier to understand the noun or renames with a short definition written as a phrase.
Sound waves travel faster through <em>solids</em> than they do through gases or liquids. <em>(C) </em>They don't travel through vacuum at all.
Speed of sound in normal air . . . around 340 m/s
Speed of sound in water . . . around 1,480 m/s
Speed of sound in iron . . . around 5,120 m/s
The term that best describes how many waves that pass? It's frequency because how many waves are passed by a given point or time is called the waves frequency. I hope this helped you out on your assignment.