cause the room temperature is higher
Well the US doesn't naturally have a lot of fossil fuels so we rely on other countries who do have fossil fuels. So if we aren't that friendly with Saudia Arabia (they have a bunch of oil) then they can hike up the prices or cut us off from their oil supply completely which would cripple the US severly. So with that being said, we NEED other countries, and the big question is when will they not NEED us. At any point in which they feel that they don't need us they can just cut us off, which would be bad.
Hope that helps :)
Any electromagnetic wave, like light or heat.
This is because white light consists of 7 colours with different angles o deviation or retraction.
When a narrow beam of light is refracted by a prism the light spreads into a band of colours (called the spectrum of light )
But in this case if a blue colour is observed it is due to the angle of refraction ,for instance red is refracted the least and hence is seen
This effect is explained by increased chain entanglements at higher molecular weights. Increasing the degree of crystallinity of a semicrystalline polymer leads to an enhancement of the tensile strength. Deformation by drawing increases the tensile strength of a semicrystalline polymer.