Nucleic acids
Covalent bond:
It is formed by the sharing of electron pair between bonded atoms.
The atom with larger electronegativity attract the electron pair more towards itself and becomes partial negative while the other atom becomes partial positive.
Non polar covalent bond:
It is the bond where both bonded atoms share the pair of electron equally.
For example:
Hydrogen gas (H₂) is non polar covalent compound because the electronegativity of both bonded atoms are same. No poles are created that's why this is non polar covalent compound.
Polar covalent bond:
It is the bond where both bonded atoms share the pair of electron unequally.
For example:
In water the electronegativity of oxygen is 3.44 and hydrogen is 2.2. That's why electron pair attracted more towards oxygen, thus oxygen becomes partial negative and hydrogen becomes partial positive and bond is polar.
Water, also known as H2O in chemistry, is a chemical substance.
Water vapor is the gas form of water, also known as the effect of evaporation. Ice is made up of water as well. It is the frozen version of water, or it other terms, the solid form of it.
I hope that this helps.
Mars atmosphere contains mainly carbon iv oxide, but the greenhouse effect as subdued as there is so little CO2 overall.
Venus as a planet contains 96.5% of carbon iv oxide. it doesn't contain water which can trap the CO2 as we have on earth where the oceans are able to trap the CO2 present and subdue the greenhouse effect. This inability to trap CO2 in Venus prevents infrared rays from escaping and with the fact the Venus is closer to the sun than earth and mars, its surface it extremely hot.
<span>Thyroid hormones T4, T3
</span><span>Estrogen or testosterone
</span><span>Insulinlike growth factor-I (IGF-I)</span>