0.370 mol metal oxide = 55.45 g
<span>1 mol = 55.45/0.370 = 149.86 g </span>
<span>in 1 mol there are 3 mol O = 16 * 3 = 48 g of O </span>
<span>there is 48/149.86 * 100% O in the sample </span>
<span>the sample has 48/149.86 * 0.370 = 0.119 g O</span>
Mai hu
mai apse baat kar sakti hu
6) Na2 SO4
7)nonmetallic elements
11) mole
* sorry I didn't know Q. 8/9
The area used to be covered by an ocean
Metallic solids consist of metal ions which are surrounded by delocalized electrons.