I'm assuming the 2 is meant to be smaller. If it were a regular size 2 the answer would be 2 and that isn't an option
I think the answer you have selected is right, I'm not sure tho
Sugar and Salt even thought they both dissolve in water they both dissolve in different ways. When salt dissolves in water, its individual types of ions are torn apart from each other, while Sugar molecules stay together when dissolved in water, and therefore the molecules remain the same when dissolved in water. This being said in science using your senses can be just as valuable as using calculations. In this case both Sugar and Salt taste differently. Sugar is sweet while Salt is salty. Therefore tasting the substance can be the easiest and most accurate way of determining the substance.
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As the number of electrons added to the same principal energy level increases, atomic size generally
C. Decreases.
filter the hot mixture.
Solid is stayed undissolved since the arrangement is gotten super saturated. On the off chance that solid molecule is available recrysallization won't happen in this way we need expel the solid molecule by filtarion in hot condition itself . Subsequently, arrangement become totally homogenous and recrysallization item will shaped by moderate cooling