La energía mareomotriz se produce gracias al movimiento generado por las mareas, esta energía es aprovechada por turbinas, las cuales a su vez mueven la mecánica de un alternador que genera energía eléctrica, finalmente este último esta conectado con una central en tierra que distribuye la energía hacia la comunidad.
The net force on the barge is 8000 N
In order to find the net force on the badge, we have to use the rules of vector addition, since force is a vector quantity.
In this problem, we have two forces:
- The force of tugboat A,
, acting in a certain direction - The force of tugboat B,
, also acting in the same direction
Since the two forces act in the same direction, this means that we can simply add their magnitudes to find the net combined force on the barge. Therefore, we get

and the direction is the same as the direction of the two forces.
Learn more about forces:
Photon is also a particle . Hence when two particles like electron and positron annihilate to get completely changed to photons , a minimum of two photons of equal and opposite momentum and energy are produced flying in opposite direction to conserve momentum and energy . Each photon will have same energy equal to 511 keV . It is so to conserve momentum and energy. Initially total momentum was zero so finally too total momentum should be zero.
No it won't. It'll vary inversely as the square of the separation.


The cross product
is given by