The single most important chemical weathering agent is Carbon dioxide.
Weathering refers to the process that change the physical and chemical character of rock at or near the surface. Weathering has a dramatic impact on the composition of Earth's atmosphere. Chemical weathering removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, allowing it to be transformed into limestone and stored in the crust. Without chemical weathering, the elevated levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would have long made Earth too hot to sustain life.
Answer : The correct option is A.
Explanation :
Enzyme-catalyzed reaction :
Enzyme act as a biological catalyst and the role of catalyst is to increase the rate of chemical reaction by lowering the activation energy.
Most of the chemical reactions are slow in the absence of enzyme but in the presence of enzyme, the reaction become faster. That means the Enzyme accelerate the rate of reaction.
Therefore, the correct answer is the reaction is faster than the same reaction in the absence of the enzyme.
The half-life in years of Neptunium-237 which was the first isotope is 2.1
Neptunium is most stable and Neptunium-237 is undergoes alpha decay, it means Neptunium-237 is decays by the emission of alpha particles . Seven alpha particles is emitted during decay of Neptunium-237. Neptunium-237 is radioactive actinide elements and first transuranium element.
The transuranium synthesis process involves creating a transuranium element through the transmutation process . The transmutation process is the process of creating heavy elements from light elements. Hence the process is the transmutation of light elements. There are two types: artificial and natural transmutation.
to learn more about transuranium element.
The answer is: A. keep a cork in the test tube so the solution cannot spill out
B and C both could be very deadly and it shouldnt be D because if u have an open flame you shouldnt open it even if its not towards anyone.
have a nice day
helium is the smallest element and francium is the largest