One of the products of photosynthesis is carbon dioxide
Temperature decreases and density increases
Let us remember that density of a material increases as the temperature of the material decreases. So the cooler a material becomes, the denser it becomes also.
Between points B and C, the material rapidly cools down and the temperature decreases accordingly. This ultimately results in an increase in density since cooler materials are denser than hot materials.
Acids react with calcium carbonate and more specifically carbonate to form carbon dioxide. An acid will give protons to the carbonate anion to produce carbonic acid which then decomposes into carbon dioxide and water. I hope this helps. Let me know if anything is unclear.
Nitrogen gas be a mineral only, if it is in organic forms.
Most of the forms of organic nitrogen is not be taken by plants, with the exception in the form of small organic molecules. Also plants can promptly take the nitrogen when it is in other forms like ammonia and nitrate.
The microorganisms in the soil converts the organic forms of nitrogen to mineral form when they decompose organic matters and also fresh plant residues. This type of process is called mineralisation.