It does produce 'sound' ... a compression wave traveling through the air. But your ears don't hear a sound that's vibrating less than 20 or 30 times every second. If you could swing your pendulum that fast, you could hear the sound of its vibrations pushing the air around.
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a) Diffusion coefficient, D = 1.5 in/hr
b) Mean jump frequency, f = 0.0833 Hz
a) The relationship between the diffusion coefficient, time and mean displacement and can be given by the expression:
Where <r> = mean displacement
D = Diffusion coefficient
t = time = 12 hrs
sum of the squares of the distance divided by 100 is 36 in2.
<r>²= 36 in²
Substituting these values into equation (1) above

b) Mean jumping distance, <r> = 0.1 inches
Applying equation (1) again
Where D = 1.5 in/hr

The mean jump frequency, f = 1/t
f = 1/12
f = 0.0833 Hz