Im sorry about my answer a while ago.
answer: it will not be half empty ever. because any gas take all the space of the tank. molecules are everywhere they take so much space.
Divide mass by the volume to find density.
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A is an acid. Not the answer.
B is correct. That would be a base. But it is not an Arrhenius base. Keep reading.
C that is exactly what an Arrhenius base is.
D. No an acid of some sort would accept OH ions.
Right Panel
D is concentrated and it is also a weak base. Good cleaning fluid. Smells awful but it works.
For each of the situations below, state whether it describes erosion, weathering, or possibly both.
The blowing away of the top layer of the soil at a Michigan farm is best described as scenario that shows wind erosion.
Erosion is the removal of the top layer of the earth on which plant grows. In short is the washing away of soil by stream or blowing away by wind.
When soil is blow away, it is a pure case of erosion. The process of erosion usually follows weathering or sometime occurs together with it.
Weathering is the physical disintegration and chemical decomposition of rocks to form sediments and soils.
Often times, the process of weathering and erosion occurs together. It is loose weathering products that are carried away during erosion.
In the soil layer at Michigan, the process of erosion by wind is current taking place by ablation.