1.a.In agriculture cultural control is the practice of modifying the growing environment to reduce the prevalence of unwanted pests. Examples include changing soil pH or fertility levels, irrigation practices, amount of sunlight, temperature, or the use of beneficial animals or insects.
1.b. Cultural control is using the production or utilization methods of a commodity with a concern for insect management. Cultural control practices are usually multipurpose technical procedures that create environments that either avoid high-risk situations for infestations or develop unfavorable conditions for pests.
1.c.Simplicity and low cost are the primary advantages of cultural control tactics, and disadvantages are few as long as these tactics are compatible with a farmer's other management objectives (high yields, mechanization, etc.).
The biome that has infertile soil, principally oxisols, to which the vegetation <span>has roots systems that capture nutrients from litter decay, is the tropical rainforest.
Soil types are highly variable in the tropics and are the result of a combination of several elements or variables which includes climate, vegetation, topographic position, parent material and also the soil age. Most of the tropical soils are described by leaching and poor nutrients. It also has two classifications: namely the ultisols and oxisols. Ultisols are known as well-weathered, acidic red clays soils. They are deficient primarily in major nutrients such as potassium and calcium. Oxisols are also an acidic type of tropical soil. However, they are well drained compared to the ultisols.
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