at T = 0ºC the change of state is from the solid state to the gaseous state
In this exercise we are asked about the changes of state, from the data we will assume that the material is water.
Water can exist in three solid states, liquid and gas, in a graph of pressure ℗ against temperature (T) there is a point called triple at T = 0.01ºC, below this point the curve has two states at high pressure solid and low pressure gas.
As a result of the previous ones at T = 0ºC the change of state is from the solid state to the gaseous state
An insurance company wants people to avoid risks because if the person meets with an accsident the expense of the medicines and treatment should be covered by the insurance company.
<u>Conservation</u>: using less water
<u>Xeriscaping</u>: replanting your yard with plants that do not require great amounts of water
<u>Desalination</u>: process of removing salt from water so that it can be used for consumption
<u>Water Budget</u>: finite amount of usable water available
<u>Potable</u>: water that is safe to use a drink