According to the question, Preoperational intelligence allows children to think in symbols.
The second stage of children cognitive development is the preoperational stage, and it occurs between the period of 2 years and last till approximately 7 years.
At this stage, children begin to involve in symbolic play and learns symbol manipulations. Preoperational intelligence in children also allows them to have the capacity of mental representations but they are yet to develop how to arrange it systematically. Egocentric also set in at this stage, this actually means they find it so difficult to differentiate their perceptions to others perception. The key factors of the preoperational intelligence include egocentrism, centration, symbolic representation, play, animism
Egocentrism: children thinking at this stage are about themselves. Children develop the inability to see things or situation from others perception or from another person’s opinion
Centration: at this stage, children can only think about a situation at a time. They do not have the ability to think on multiple issues.
Play: at this stage, children play with other children. They play in the same room with other children. They don’t isolate themselves when another child is around where they are.
Animism: at this stage, children see toys and other object to have human feelings.
Symbolic representation: at this stage, children use of symbolic function increases significantly.
cognitive development between the ages of two and six
- preoperational intelligence
- cognitive development
- symbolic representation