pH decreases as the hydrogen ion concentration increases.
When there is a decrease in pH, that is pH decreases from 6 to 3 then the acidity increases.
That is the pH is between 1 to 7 then it is acidic
When the pH is 7 then it is neutral
When the pH is between 7 to 14 then it is basic
As the H⁺ ion concentration increases, then the pH value decreases, here pH decreases from 6 to 3.
So the concentration of Hydrogen ion increases, pH decreases.
There are two big advantages of using molarity to express concentration. The first advantage is that it's easy and convenient to use because the solute may be measured in grams, converted into moles, and mixed with a volume.
The second advantage is that the sum of the molar concentrations is the total molar concentration. This permits calculations of density and ionic strength
c. Isoleucine has a carbon “branched” closer to the alpha carbon than does leucine.
The structure of leucine is CH3CH(<u>CH3</u>)CH2CH(NH2)COOH.
The structure of isoleucine is CH3CH2CH(<u>CH3</u>)CH(NH2)COOH.
In leucine, the CH3 group is <em>two carbons away</em> <em>from</em> the α carbon; in isoleucine, the CH3 group is on the carbon <em>next to</em> the α carbon.
Thus, <em>isoleucine</em> has the closer branched carbon.
“One is charged, the other is not” is i<em>ncorrect</em>. Both compounds are uncharged.
“One has more H-bond acceptors than the other” is <em>incorrect</em>. Each acid has two H-bond acceptors — the N in the amino and the O in the carbonyl group.
“They have different numbers of carbon atoms” is <em>incorrec</em>t. They each contain six carbon atoms.
The temperature of something.