chicken noodle soup
Heterogenous mixture is the mixture where you can see differnt parts of it, hence "hetero".
you can see chicken, noodles, and broth in chicken noodle soup
The change is as follows
P₁ V₁ to 3P₁, V₁ ( constt volume ) --- first process
3P₁,V₁ to 3P₁ , 5V₁ ( constt pressure ) ---- second process
In the first process Temperature must have been increased 3 times . So if initial temperature is T₁ then final temperature will be 3 T₁
P₁V₁ = n R T₁ , n is no of moles of gas enclosed.
nRT₁ = P₁V₁
Heat added at constant volume = n Cv ( 3T₁ - T₁)
= n x 5/3 R X 2T₁ ( for diatomic gas Cv = 5/3 R)
= 10/3 x nRT₁
= 10/3x P₁V₁
In the second process, Temperature must have been increased 5 times . So if initial temperature is 3T₁ then final temperature will be 15 T₁
Heat added at constant pressure in second case
= n Cp ( 15T₁ - 3T₁)
= n x 7/3 R X 12T₁ ( For diatomic gas Cp = 7/3 R)
= 28 x nRT₁
= 28 P₁V₁
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