The answer is a property of density. The higher the density, the higher the pressure at the bottom.
Pressure = mass / Area. So given that the 4 samples occupy the same area at the bottom, the mass is going to be the determining factor. Per given volume, mercury has the largest mass. The answer is A
trigonometry (guessing)
ellipse: is the shape of an orbit : looks like an oval
periapsis : shortest distance between something like the moon and the planet its orbiting around like the earth
parallax is triangulation. like how gps works. looking at a star one day and then looking at it again 6 months later, an astronomer can see a difference in the viewing angle for the star. With trigonometry, the different angles yield a distance. This technique works for stars within about 400 light years of earth
By comparing the intrinsic brightness to the star's apparent brightness we can calculate the distance of stars
1/r^2 rule states that the apparent brightness of a light source is proportional to the square of its distance.Jan 11, 2022
alternative distance measurement for stars used by most astronomers is the parsec. A star with a parallax angle of 1 arcsecond has a distance of 1 parsec, or 1 parsec per arcsecond of parallax, which is about 3.26 light years
25 seconds
Assuming the woman is accelerating at a constant rate of
from the initial velocity, u=4.20 m/s, to the final velocity, v=5.00 m/s.
Let she takes t seconds to cover the distance, s=115 m.
As acceleration, 

Now, from the equation of motion

[ from equation (i)]

Hence, she takes 25 seconds to walk the distance.
A) Claim 1: Plates move, which can cause earthquakes.
The Plate Tectonic Theory proves the claim of plate move, causing earthquakes.
This theory states that the earth’s crust along with the uppermost mantle is formed of several thin but large surfaced rigid patch work of plate-like structures called tectonic plates.
There are about 15 large slabs on the earth’s outer surface and constitutes the lithosphere. Lithosphere of the earth is represented by the oceanic and continental crust layer and the uppermost mantle layer.
These plates move or slide relative with each other. These plates form divergent, convergent, or transform boundaries. Slips or faults along these boundaries forms subduction zones leading to great stress. This prevents normal gliding motion resulting in earthquakes.