whenever the material is dropped from 20feet to any poiny lying outside the exterior wall of building, an enclosed chute of wood, or equivalent material. For the purpose of paragraph, an enclose chute is a slide, closed in all sides, through which material is placed from high plac eto lower one.
when the disposal is dropped through holes in the floor without the use of chute, the area onto which the material is dropped shall be completely enclosed with barricades not less than 42 inch high and not less than 6 feet back from the projected edge of of the opening valve. signs warning of hazards of falling material shall be posted at each level.
All scrap lumper, waste material, and rubbish shall be removed from the immediate work area as the work progresses.
Disposal of waste material or debris by burning shall comply with local fire regulation
All sovent waste, oily rags, and flammable liquid should be kept in fire resistant covered container until removed from work site.</span>
The correct answer is A. CO2
hope this helps
Ionic bond is characterized by the complete transfer of valence electrons between atoms. In this kind of bond, a metal loses its electron in order to become a cation while the nonmetal accept the electron resulting to an anion.
Answer: This topic circles organizational design: structure, culture, and control.
Exhibit 11:3 presentation outlines; Exhibit Mechanistic vs. Organic Organizations: The Building Blocks of Organizational Structure
Zappos is an organic organization. The elements in Zappos as an organization include;
• Low degree of specialization
• Flexible division of labor • Employees focus on "bigger picture" • Clear understanding of organization's core competencies and strategic intent • Domain expertise in different areas • Generalized knowledge of how to accomplish strategic goals valued • Distributed decision making • Vertical (top-down and bottom-up) as well as horizontal communication • Flat structures High span of control • Horizontal as well as two-way vertical communication • Mutual adjustment • Differentiation strategy
Explanation: Do reference the exhibit in order source with keywords " Zappos - Exhibit Mechanistic vs. Organic Organizations: The Building Blocks of Organizational Structure"