The human body is connected in every way. All the organs are connected and help each other be alive. For example, the veins are connected to the heart, which help it by pumping blood and oxygen. If they weren’t there, the heart wouldn’t be able to sustain a life.
I really hope this gave you and ideas and helped you in some way:)
The charge on the dust particle is
From the question we are told that
The length is
The width is
The charge is
The mass suspended in mid-air is
Generally the electric field on the carpet is mathematically represented as
Where is the permittivity of free space with value
substituting values
Generally the electric force keeping the dust particle on the air equal to the force of gravity acting on the particles
a) , b)
a) According to the First Law of Thermodinamics, the system is not reporting any work, mass or heat interactions. Besides, let consider that such box is rigid and, therefore, heat contained inside is the consequence of internal energy.
The internal energy for a monoatomic ideal gas is:
Let assume that cubical box contains just one kilomole of monoatomic gas. Then, the temperature is determined from the Equation of State for Ideal Gases:
The thermal energy contained by the gas is:
b) The physical model for the cat is constructed from Work-Energy Theorem:
The speed of the cat is obtained by isolating the respective variable and the replacement of every known variable by numerical values: