1/4 is the average bond order for a pâ’o bond (such as the one shown in blue) in a phosphate ion.</span>
½O 2 + 2e - + H 2O → 2OH.
Redox reactions - Higher
In terms of electrons:
oxidation is loss of electrons
reduction is gain of electrons
Rusting is a complex process. The example below show why both water and oxygen are needed for rusting to occur. They are interesting examples of oxidation, reduction and the use of half equations:
iron loses electrons and is oxidised to iron(II) ions: Fe → Fe2+ + 2e-
oxygen gains electrons in the presence of water and is reduced: ½O2 + 2e- + H2O → 2OH-
iron(II) ions lose electrons and are oxidised to iron(III) ions by oxygen: 2Fe2+ + ½O2 → 2Fe3+ + O2-
In the same way, a solution with a pH of 5 contains 10-5mol/l of hydrogen ions, a solution with a pH of 6 contains 10-6mol/l of hydrogen ions, while the solution with a pH of 7 contains 10-7mol/l of hydrogen ions.
1. filtration and evaporation
2. i) water is added to the sand and salt mixture
ii) then the mixture is filtrated and so the sand and the salt water was seperated
iii) the salt water is heated with the help of burner until the water gets evaporated
iv) after the water gets evaporated, the salt is remained in the container
3. observation:
- on adding water to the mixture, the salt is completely dissolved in the water
- when filtrated the sand is seperated from the salt water
- now the salt water when heated with the burner until the evaporation, the water is evaporated
- the salt is precipitated and remained in the container
4. cautions:
- while using the burner, we should be cautious with fire
- the container that is heated should be holded with the help of a cloth to avoid heat
Triglyceride is a molecule constituted by one one molecule of glycerol and 3 molecules of fatty acids. The structure of a glycerol is like a letter "E", where the vertical line ( | ) is the glycerol and the three horizontal lines are long chains of organic acids, each with one COOH group, called fatty acids.<span> The answer is that the other 3 molecules that make up a triglyceride are fatty acids.</span>