Write this in a word and skeleton equation:
Solid silver chloride and an aqueous solution of nitric acid are produced when a solution of silver nitrate is reacted with a solution of hydrochloric acid.
Answer: Positive effects: mass production of fertilizers, alkaline cleansers, refrigerant gas, dyes, explosives
Negative effects: heath problems, negative effects on soil organisms and soil organic matter, imbalances to the nitrogen cycle, high fossil fuel energy inputs, production of deadly weapons
The Haber process (also called Haber Bosch process) is used to produce ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen under the high pressure. Basically, it's an artificial nitrogen fixation process. This method has both positive and negative effects on modern society.
Positive sides: ammonia is mainly used for mass production of fertilizer, which allows more food for everyone. It can be used for production of alkaline cleansers, refrigerant gas, dyes and explosives. Ammonia is also used in production of synthetic polymers, due to its role in the manufacturing of cyanide.
Negative sides: ammonia is a toxic gas, it can irritate eyes and lungs. Because of that, the excess nitrogen in soil and water coming from synthetic fertilizers can cause health problems. It is harmful for humans and animals, but it can also be harmful for plants. Environmental factors are also important. Because of the mass fixation, there is imbalance in the earth’s nitrogen cycle. Also, fossil fuels are used as a source of power for machinery in Haber's process, which increases emissions into the atmosphere. And, at least ammonia is a major component of weapons including great number of bombs.
analytic chemistry
Analytical chemistry uses tests to discover ingredients in a substance. A pool worker tests the water to learn how much chlorine it contains. A nutritionist analyzes food to learn about the nutrients in it. Biochemistry is the study of chemistry in the body.
A potassium atom (atomic number 19) and a bromine atom (atomic number 35) can form a chemical bond through a transfer of one electron. The potassium ion that forms has 18 electrons. What best describes the bromide ion that forms? It is a negative ion that has one more valence electron than a neutral bromine atom.
1. 3.0% ----> 3.0 kg fat= 100 kg body weigh
also remember that 1 kg= 2.20 lbs

2. 0.94 g/mL----> 0.94 grams= 1 mL
1 Liters= 1000 mL
1kg= 1000 grams