The final velocity is given by the following kinematic equation:
Here, is the initial velocity, a is the body's acceleration and t is the motion time. We have to convert the time to seconds:
Now, we calculate the final velocity:
The horizontal forces (Cols 2 & 3) balance for W and Y.
The vertical forces (Cols 1 & 4) also balance for W and Y.
This is not true for either X (unbalanced horizontal forces) or
Z (also unbalnced horizontal forces)
Slope of I-V graph is Resistance.
Its S.I. unit is Ohm.
The symbol of ohm is Ω.
Well, assuming that the world would break if we didnt have inertia, in baseball, when you tried to catch a ball you would probably go flying backwards until other things stopped you (friction etc). you also probably wouldnt be able to run without the earth going all out of its path around the earth. every step you would take would push the earth because there is no inertia to keep the earth at one point
Ok, so...... Unbalanced forces cause a change in motion, speed, and/or direction. When two forces act in the same direction on an object, the net force is equal to the sum of the two forces. In the example below, the net force would be 900 Newtons (450 + 450 = 900), and the object would move to the right.