A paint can being carried up a ladder experiences increase in potential energy.
Answer: D
Potential energy, the energy exerted by the body when it is at rest with respect to the height of the object.
The object exhibiting acceleration due to gravity at a certain height will be exhibiting potential energy based on the mass and object height.
The potential energy of an object will be increasing if the mass of the object increases or if the height of the object placed increases or if both mass and position of the object increases.
The potential energy is directly proportional to the object's mass and height from the ground.
So in this case, the options (a), (b) and (c) state the object moving downward direction, so the distance between the object position and ground (h) is decreasing.
But in the option (d), the paint can is carried upward so the distance between the paint can position and the ground will be increased as the paint can is moved up in a ladder.
So the option (d), a paint can being carried up a ladder is the best example for describing increase in the potential energy.