I assume what you're asking about is, how does the temperature changes when we increase water's mass, according the formula for heat ?
Well the formula is :

(where Q is heat, m is mass, c is specific heat and

is change in temperature. So according this formula, increasing mass will increase the substance's heat, but won't effect it's temperature since they are not related. Unless, if you want to keep the substance's heat constant, in that case when you increase it's mass you will have to decrease the temperature
El Big Bang fue el momento, hace 13.800 millones de años, cuando el universo comenzó como una pequeña y densa bola de fuego que explotó. La mayoría de los astrónomos utilizan la teoría del Big Bang para explicar cómo comenzó el universo.
(a) Matter cannot be created and destroyed by a chemical reaction.
(a) Matter cannot be created and destroyed by a chemical reaction. (correct)
The number and type of atoms entering the chemical reaction are the same with the number and type of atoms leaving the chemical reaction.
(b) The reactants are the same substance as the products. (wrong)
You may see in the reaction that we have as reactants zinc and hydrochloric acid which react to form the products, zinc chloride and hydrogen.
(c) The number of molecules in the reactants are equal to the number of molecules in the products. (wrong)
As reactants we have 2 hydrochloric acid (HCl) molecules and as products 1 hydrogen (H₂) molecule. Zn is a metal and ZnCl is a salt.
(d) The atoms on the reactants side are changed into different atoms on the products side. (wrong)
The number and type of atoms entering the chemical reaction are the same with the number and type of atoms leaving the chemical reaction.
Learn more about:
balancing chemical equations