Two conversion factors:

You can create two possible <em>conversion factors</em>, one to convert from mL to L, and one to convert from L to mL
<u />
<u>a) From mL to L</u>
To convert mL to L you need to multiply by a conversion factor that has mL on the denominator and L in the numerator.
Your starting point is: 
Then, divide both sides by 1,000mL (this will be on the denominator of the fraction);

<u>b) From L to mL</u>
Divide both sides by 1 L:

You forgot to add pictures ..
The heat transfer just occurred is mainly conduction.
Conduction happens when two objects are in contact with each other. In the hotter object, the molecules and/or free electrons have a higher kinetic energy, thus they'll travel and collide into other molecules, resulting in spreading the energy to the other object.
The heat transfer happens until thermal equilibrium, where both objects have the same temperature and their molecules have the same kinetic energy rate.
In addition, radiation is also happening since everything that has a higher temperature than the environment is a net emitter. They release electromagnetic waves that turn out to be radiation. These occur even without the presence of air.
The concentration of the HCl solution is 0.047 M.
Data given about acid and base:
volume of acid Vacid = 46.9 ml
molarity of acid =?
volume of the base (NaOH) = 16.4 ml
molarity of the base = 0.135 M
To know the concentration of the acid in this reaction, the formula used in titration is used. It is
Macid X Vacid = Mbase X Vbase
the formula is rewritten as:
Macid = 
putting the values in the equation:
Macid = 
= 0.047 M
the concentration of the acid i.e HCl in the solution is of 0.047 M.