3.486 km
Suppose Joe and Max's directions are perfectly perpendicular (east vs north). We can calculate their distance at the destinations using Pythagorean theorem:

where J = 0.5 km and M= 3.45 km are the distances between Joe and Max to their original parting point, respectively. s is the distance between them.

0 N
This is a trick question, the mass of the wrench would be 0 due to it being in space and has no gravitational pull to weight it down. And since acceleration is defined as the rate and change of velocity with no respect of time and the wrench is moving at a constant velocity, that means the velocity is 0. and since F = m*a it would be F = 0 * 0 = 0 N
The key formula ===> Voltage = (current) x (resistance)
Plug in the numbers given ===> Voltage = (3.6 A) x (5.0 ohms)
Dooda multiplication ===> Voltage = 18 volts
The mass of the box