The answer is false. The speed of the astronaut cancels out the force of gravity, causing a 'stationary freefall'. While under these effects, it is not required for an astronaut to 'strengthen' his body.
when new information disproving the current theory becomes available.
hope this helps..
<h3>JAWAB SECEPATNYA pliss</h3><h3 /><h3>Anda memiliki rangkaian paralel 10 volt, dengan 2 resistor di atasnya. Berapakah tegangan pada</h3><h3>resistor pertama? Di seberang kedua?</h3><h3 /><h3>(saya akan menandai tercerdas tolong bantu)</h3>
Hukum Ohm
= tegangan
= kuat arus
= ketahanan
Kalau kamu mau mencari tegangan listrik, kamu gunakan rumus V = I.R. Kalau ternyata kamu perlu mencari kuat arus listrik, maka gunakan rumus I = V/R. Nah, kalau yang kamu cari adalah hambatan listrik, maka gunakan rumus R = V/I.
Answer: action and reaction forces and are the subject of Newton's third law of motion. Formally stated, Newton's third law is: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction