You are currently converting Distance and Length units from Centimeters to Feet 321 Centimeters (cm) = 10.5315 Feet (ft) This is a hard one but see if this helps if not let me now and i can try again..
X-rays and gamma rays are the only electromagnetci waves with a shorter wavelength, gamma rays being the smallest. Hope this helps ;)
acceleration is 2 m/s^2
distance travelled is 30.25 meter
30.25 m
R = v^2 sin 2 theta / g
The range provides the distance a projectile can travel
R(max) = v^2 / g if theta = 45 deg
R = 2.7^2 / 9.8 = .74 m
Mono-chromatic, Poly-chromatic. When a wave moves from one medium into another at an angle other than 90 degrees the wave will change direction and continue to follow a new straight-line path
<u><em>Thank you</em></u>