Depends how much water and the temperature of the water. To heat 1 mL of water by 1 degree C 1 cal of energy (4.184 Joules) is required. Assuming that the water is at 25 degrees C, to boil one litre (liter) of water you would require 75,000 cal or 313.8 kJ.
Answer: through energy carriers, ATP and NADPH
Explanation:in the light dependent stage,energy from a light photon is used to create ATP through ADP and an inorganic phosphate.
It does this by the transfer of energetic electron from one electron carrier to another.NADPH is also formed.
In the light independent reaction,ATP and NADP are used to reduce carbon dioxide to 3-phosphoglycerate
They are pollinators of alfalfa.
Without them crops wouldn't be here.
Parents pass on traits or characteristics, such as eye colour and blood type, to their children through their genes.These two copies of the gene contained in your chromosomes influence the way your cells work. The two alleles in a gene pair are inherited, one from each parent.
The corrext answer is E. make; break
In living organisms, the metabolism is either anabolic or catabolic where anabolic metabolism is energy consuming and catabolic metabolism is eneegy releasesing. It should however be noted that anabolic reaction builds or biosynthesize new mollecular structures while catabolic reaction breaks down complex structure bonds into simple structures
The braking down of bonds in catabolic reations realeses energy to sustain the anabolic rection process for the formation of new bonds