The translation is the process during which the nucleotide sequence of the mRNA is read in the form of genetic codes. The nucleotide sequence of mRNA is complementary to the template DNA strand. According to the sequence of the nucleotides in the mRNA, the amino acids are added in a specific order to make the polypeptide chains. The process occurs on ribosomes. The ribosomes move along the mRNA to read its sequence and the tRNA brings are amino acids to be added to the polypeptide chains.
First one is digestive system
second one is lion fish
i dont know the third one. im sorry
One of the side effects of smoking is the damage of cilia in the trachea
which allows particles to entre the lungs. Smoking destroys the cilia
which are key in keeping particles from getting down into your lungs so
every time a person smokes more and more cilia are destroyed.