Biotic factors include plants, animals, and microbes; important abiotic factors include the amount of sunlight in the ecosystem, the amount of oxygen and nutrients dissolved in the water, proximity to land, depth, and temperature. Sunlight is one the most important abiotic factors for marine ecosystems.
any type of solid or liquid water that falls from the atmosphere
The motor neuron carries the nerve impulse.
The nerve impulse reaches the neuromuscular junction.
Calcium ions release into the myofibrils.
Myosin and actin protein filaments attach to each other.
Myosin filaments pull on the actin filaments.
The sarcomere shortens.
The neurotransmitter (ACh) from motor neurons signals a muscle fiber to depolarize. The depolarization (Na+) will trigger Ca++ release and will initiate contraction by binding to troponin. Myosin pulls the actin strands. ATP sustains the contraction.
Environmental racism
Environmental racism is when industries and waste dumps are located near areas where racial minorities reside.
It refers to subjecting the socially marginalized racial minority communities to disproportionate exposure of pollutants, the denial of access to sources of ecological benefits such as water, clean air, and natural resources.
... release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere