A) covalent bond
Covalent bonding generally happens between nonmetals.
genetics and reproduction is all about dna.
<span>1.61 × 1023 Multiply by 26.8 to get the answer.161.33 x 10 ^23 </span>
<h3><u>Answer and explanation</u>;</h3>
- <em><u>The isotope U-235 is an important common nuclear fuel because under certain conditions it can readily be split, yielding a lot of energy. It is therefore said to be 'fissile' and use the expression 'nuclear fission'.</u></em>
- <em><u>Uranium 238 on the other hand is not fissionable by thermal neutrons, but it can undergo fission from fast or high energy neutrons. Hence it is not fissile, but it is fissionable.</u></em>
- In a nuclear power station fissioning of uranium atoms replaces the burning of coal or gas. Heat created by splitting the U-235 atoms is then used to make steam which spins a turbine to drive a generator, producing electricity.
<h2>Answer:</h2><h3>The temperature of the gas: V</h3>
The temperature of gas is a variable quantity. It can be changed by changing energy or pressure of gas.
<h3>The amount of gas in the tube (in terms of mass and moles): C</h3>
It is a constant entity. As mass of gas once taken can not be changed by changing temperature, pressure etc.
<h3>The radius of the tube: C</h3>
The radius of tube cannot change at any rate.
<h3>The temperature of the gas (changed by the water surrounding it): V</h3>
It can be changed by changing the temperature of water surrounding it.
<h3>The type of gas: C</h3>
It can never be changed.
<h3>The pressure of the gas: V</h3>
It can be changed by simply changing temperature and volume of gas.