When you think about something repeatedly, it becomes habitual. An example is, let’s say, you always check if your doors are locked before you leave subconsciously. That’s habitual thinking.
The deltoid and the triceps
to improve strength in deltoid u can do a seated dumbbell shoulder press
and to improve strength in triceps do reverse cable tricep extensions
A chain of neurons help communicate through this thing called an electrochemical process!
Here is how regular heavy drinking can affect your body long term. Brain: Drinking too much can affect your concentration, judgement, mood and memory. It increases your risk of having a stroke and developing dementia. Heart: Heavy drinking increases your blood pressure and can lead to heart damage and heart attacks.
The first blank is <u>Essential nutrients</u>
The second blank is n/a (sorry)
The third blank is <u>Protein</u>
The forth blank is <u>Complex carbs</u>
The fifth blank is <u>carbohydrate and protein yield</u>
Hope this helps
-A Helping Friend (mark brainliest pls)