It takes 3.31 s for the boy to hear the returning sound of the stone
Ok, the time after which splash is heard is equal to the time acquired by the stone to reach the ground + time taken by sound to return.
First, u=0 m/s (this is the initial speed with which the stone was thrown), h=50 m (is the height of the tower) and g=10 m/
(is the gravity)
We can use this equation that relates the free fall of the object:

t =3.16 s is the time it takes the stone to fall
Second, h=50 m and v=340 m/s (that it's the speed of sound)
We can use this equation:

t=0.15 is the time it takes for the sound to return
Finally, both times are added, obtaining the time in which the boy will hear the returning sound of the stone: