Chemical Change
Physical change normally mean that the change can revert back to its orginal state, which in this case that is not possible therfore it is a chemical change.
When two plates push against each other shear stress will happem because they move in opposite directions. In this case the force of the stress pushes some of the crust in different directions. When this happens, a large part of the crust can break off, which makes the plate size smaller.
I’m going to say the answer is most likely X because memetic energy is energy being used at that moment. Because the coaster is going fastest at X we can assume that the answer is X
The name transition metal refers to the position in the periodic table of elements. The transition elements represent the successive addition of electrons to the d atomic orbitals of the atoms. In this way, the transition metals represent the transition between group 2 (2A) elements and group 13 (3A) elements.
The answer to this is solved through stochiometry: the answer is this: 0.0833mol