They would only know the width of the window. A floor plan is like a top down view of a building. Imagine that you cut your house in half horizontally, and then looked down at it. All you would see would be the width of the windows, not the height or anything else.
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A, the energy an object has due to its motion.
Kinetic energy is the energy created by motion.
Velocity = speed with direction.
Think of speed and direction like rockets and missiles. Rockets are not smart. Missiles are smart. Rockets go in one direction. Missiles can track their targets, they have a specific destination, a specific direction.
Velocity is often used in physics, because its almost useless to know how fast an object is going if you don't know which direction it is going.
Think of it like this. If the Weather man told you a hurricane was traveling at 30 miles an hour, but didn't tell you which direction it was going, you would have no idea where to run, or if it was going to hit you at all. However, if he told you it was going 30 miles an hour to the North, and you were West of it, you would be fine, and wouldn't have to worry.