<span>This question can best be answered using a Periodic Table of Elements. All the elements are listed by their atomic number starting from the top left and moving right and down the table. Starting at element 8, you will find Oxygen with a mass of 15.99 amu, followed by element 9 Fluorine with a mass of 18.99 , element 10 Neon with a mass of 20.18 , element 11 Sodium with a mass of 22.99. Writing them with their symbols you would have; O, F, Ne, Na.</span>
Not matter:
Matter is something that has mass and volume. Happiness is just a feeling, it doesn't exist in 3d world. Sound is a wave or just the movement of matter (particles of matter). Others have masses and volumes.
Nickel and Titanium
Nitinol is an alloy of Nickel and Titanium. It posesses two properties such that,
- The shape memory effect
- Super elasticity
Shape memory is the ability of nitinol to undergo deformation at one temperature, stay in its deformed shape when the external force is removed.
Superelasticity is the ability for the metal to undergo large deformations and immediately return to its undeformed shape upon removal of the external load.
Hence, the correct option is (b) "Nickel and Titanium".
Like most other metals, Gallium is solid at room temperature (or liquid if it is too hot in your room). But, if it is held [in hands] for long enough, it melts in your hands, and doesn't poison you like Mercury would. This is because of its unusually low melting point of (~29 degree Centigrade).
- It melts once it reaches its melting point.