I would have to say B failed because I think I read something about it being only 2law not 3
There is no force in space.
Weight is the gravitational force acting on the mass as in space there is no gravity so weight appeares as zero
Explanation: Terminus ante quem is an Archeological an a Latin term used to describe the date before which an event or events took place,it is also used to show the date before which Archeological works have been deposited in a given area.
Example, a pottery dating to the 4th century AD found on a surface would give that pottery with a terminus ante quem of the 4thcentury AD.
This type of cross dating can either be TERMINUS ANTE QUEM OR TERMINUS POST QUEM.
negative, positive
A we know that the electrons have a negative charge.
So, when a body has some excess electrons, it means it has negative charge.
When a body has an deficiency of eletrons, it means it gains a positive charge.
An area with excess electrons has a net _<u>negative</u>__ charge; an area with a deficit of electrons has a net _<u>Positive</u>____ charge.
What table I don’t see any table