To calculate the percentage of a specific number, you first convert the percentage number to a decimal. This process is the reverse of what you did earlier. You divide your percentage by 100. So, 40% would be 40 divided by 100.
Chemical symbols on the periodic table represent an element.
Answer: D. Na
is this based on the newtons law and balnce force
According to this question, the amount of copper required to obtain copper sulfide in a 4:1 is 6g. This means that the ratio of copper to sulfur in the compound (copper sulfide) is 4:1.
Hence, to calculate the amount of sulfur required for the reaction to obtain copper sulfide using the above ratio, we say:
1/4 of the amount of copper required (6g)
= 1/4 × 6
= 6/4
= 1.5g of sulfur is required for the reaction to obtain carbon sulfide.