Class of fit:
Interference (Medium Drive Force Fits constitute a special type of Interference Fits and these are the tightest fits where accuracy is important).
Here minimum shaft diameter will be greater than the maximum hole diameter.
Medium Drive Force Fits are FN 2 Fits.
As per standard ANSI B4.1 :
Desired Tolerance: FN 2
Tolerance TZone: H7S6
Max Shaft Diameter: 3.0029
Min Shaft Diameter: 3.0022
Max Hole Diameter:3.0012
Min Hole Diameter: 3.0000
Max Interference: 0.0029
Min Interference: 0.0010
Stress in the shaft and sleeve can be considered as the compressive stress which can be determined using load/interference area.
Design is acceptable If compressive stress induced due to selected dimensions and load is less than compressive strength of the material.
In order to understand a monomer let´s first see the structure of a polymer. As an example, in the first figure polyethylene (or polyethene) is shown. This polymer, like every other one, is composed of many repeated subunits, these subunits are called monomer. In the second figure, polyethylene's monomer is shown.
Go to explaination for the details of the answer.
In order to determine the lifetime (75 years) chronic daily exposure for each individual, we have to first state the terms of our equation:
CDI = Chronic Daily Intake
C= Chemical concentration
CR= Contact Rate
EFD= Exposure Frequency and Distribution
BW= Body Weight
AT = Average Time.
Having names our variables lets create the equations that will be used to derive our answers.
Please kindly check attachment for details of the answer.
See the detailed answer in attached file.
Explanation :