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Cottage and Small Industries Development Committee to organize National Industrial Goods and Technology Expo
By Glocal Khabar - 2368 0
National Industrial Goods and Technology Expo- Glocal Khabar
Kathmandu, February 19, 2018: Cottage and Small Industries Development Committee is set to organize the twenty-ninth edition of National Industrial Goods and Technology Expo from March 23, 2018 at Bhrikutimandap, Kathmandu.
The motto of the five-day event is ‘Let’s use home-made products, move ahead towards prosperity.’ The committee has shared that handicrafts, wool and bamboo products, goods made from handmade papers, different types of pickles and Palpali Dhaka would be put on display in the expo.
Zero work done,since the body isn't acting against or by gravity.
Gravitational force is usually considered as work done against gravity (-ve) and work by gravity ( +ve ) and also When work isn't done by or against gravity work done in this case is zero.
Gravitational force can be define as that force that attracts a body to any other phyical body or system that have mass.
The planet been considered as our system in this case is assumed to have mass, and ought to demonstrate such properties associated with gravitational force in such system. Such properties include the return of every object been thrown up as a result of gravity acting downwards. The orbiting nature of object along an elliptical part when gravitational force isn't acting on the body and it is assumed to be zero.
Chan Hee can expect to observe about the samples after 16 days is that three-fourths of each sample will have undergone radioactive decay. The best answer is letter B.
When you toss a rolled up sock across the room, it travels faster as it becomes round and has more weight added on it and this causes the sock to travel in the direction you wish and this gives you a high chance of the sock going straight into the laundry basket, no matter how far away you are.
On the other hand, throwing a sock without rolling it up will cause the sock to just flat down as you throw it. It will travel at a low speed because it has no weight on it since it is flat, and if you try to throw it, it will atleast land 21 cm away from you. About a 0% chance of it getting in the basket.
Hope this helped! =>