Every organism (well, animal) only has one binomial name
Answer is C. Support services careers assist in the delivery of healthcare services.
tHe nAmEs kAtSuKI bAkUgO
Scholars have identified three dimensions of relational communication:
The first dimension is responsiveness. This deals with how aware of the fact that we are in a conversation we are, and how deeply involved in the conversation we are.
Responsiveness manifests through various physical demonstrations and helps show the speaker that we are deeply involved and interested in the conversation. They include but are not limited to nodding of the head. sitting in an attentive posture, and establishing eye contact with the speaker.
The characters displayed clearly show the first dimension of relational level, which is responsiveness.
The other dimensions of relational level meanings are:
- Liking or affection: This is concerned with the degree of positive or negative feeling that is communicated.
- Power or control: This is refers to the power balance between the communicators.
C. 1/2 cup cooked broccoli