Solar eclipse
A solar eclipse is when the moon passes between the sun and Earth, causing it to go dark and to give the moon a halo effect :D hope this helped!
<span>The middle life crisis occurs for men at age of 39 and for women at age of 44. At this age, people start realizing that they are getting older and experience some physical changes which seem distressful for them.</span>
<span> It affects the sense of accomplishment and progress in career. Due to a midlife crisis, people start engaging in activities to cope with the reality such as wearing clothes that are fashionable, dating someone etc. Yes, I think I will also go through one because it happens with everyone in this age. It can be avoided by accepting the fact that these changes are reality and everyone have to face it one day.</span>
A star is born when clouds of dust and elements are gathered together in a certain space due to gravity, more and more mass and therefore pressure builds. When the pressure becomes enough to overcome the electronic repulsive force between two hydrogen nuclei, they are forced together and massive amounts of energy are given off forming helium atoms. This energy is then used to fuse other nuclei together. This could be compared to the way human life starts, where instead of 2 nuclei joining together to start a life cycle, two gametes, or sex cells are joined together. Also at the start of both a star and persons life, we are weak and we gain strength until we reach the height of our existence, then humans slowly become less efficient at doing what they do until eventually they cannot sustain themselves any further.
must be the minimum magnitude of deceleration to avoid hitting the leading car before stopping
is the time taken to stop after braking
- speed of leading car,

- speed of lagging car,

- distance between the cars,

- deceleration of the leading car after braking,

Time taken by the car to stop:

, final velocity after braking
time taken

using the eq. of motion for the given condition:

final velocity of the chasing car after braking = 0
acceleration of the chasing car after braking

must be the minimum magnitude of deceleration to avoid hitting the leading car before stopping
time taken by the chasing car to stop:

is the time taken to stop after braking
i thinks answers is gap relutance increases linearly with magnetic density