13? 13 is most minimum ages however, I don't understand this question all that well.
A and C
The for next loop is used for a fixed number of iterations which is usually indicated in the syntax. It uses a counter that increments on each iteration. The loop terminates when the counter reaches the number of initially specified iterations. It is different from a while loop which depends on a specified condition evaluating to the Boolean 'true'.
Hi, you haven't provided the programing language in which you need the code, I'll just explain how to do it using Python, and you can apply a similar method for any programming language.
def rightMost(num):
lenNum = len(str(num))
rightNum = num%(10**(lenNum-1))
In this function we receive an integer number, then we find how many digits this number has, and finally, we find the rightmost digits; the main operation is modulo (takes the remainder after a division), what we want is to take all the digits except the first one, for that reason we find the modulo of the number when divided by ten to the power of the length of the number minus one, for example, if the number is 2734 we divided by 10^(4-1), where four is the length of the number, this way we get 2734/1000 and the module of it is 734.
California Identity Theft Statute
The California Identity Theft Statute, also referred to as the Penal Code 530.5 PC is a statute that clearly provides a definition of what the crime of identity theft actually is. Identity theft is a crime committed when the personal identifying information of another person is taken and used unlawfully or fraudulently. The statute further provide ample information to victims of identity theft in order to avert such occurrence or further damage.