In the beginning not good, the romans believed in many deities and in the christian/ jewish religion it was a sin to believe in any god other than their god. The romans allowed them to live their peacefully as king as the once in awhile made a public offering to jupiter, the deity who protects the emperor, however this went against their religion, punishment for disobeying roman law was often cruel and led to death
Availability Heuristic
A heuristic is a mental shortcut that we often use to make judgments and decisions. Availability heuristic is based on the principle that the first things come to our mind when evaluating certain topics, events, and methods, must be the based on the more common occurrences, or must be more important than other available alternatives which do not easily come to mind.
The problem with this type of mental shortcut, however, is that it can easily be influenced or biased towards vivid, dramatic events, or recent news and information, especially those sensationalized by the media.
For example, people might take more precaution against murder and car accidents compared to illnesses such as diabetes and stomach cancer, as the two former are more sensationalized or are often reported in the news than the latter two. However, statistics show that in America, these illness actually take twice as much lives than murder and car accidents (source:
The answer is c
hope u get it right
Animals that burrow underground, such as moles, gophers or even ants, can also cause physical weathering by loosening and breaking apart rocks.
President Ronald Reagan rejected the theory of Keynesian economics, this theory proposed by John Maynard Keynes, embodied in his work General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, published in 1936 in response to the Great Depression of 1929, the central principle of this school of thought is that state intervention can stabilize the economy, Keynesianism is one of the best-known economic theories, its main characteristic is that it supports interventionism as the best way out of a crisis and as a mechanism to stimulate demand and regulate the economy in times of depression.