The pressure will increase with decreasing volume. if they remain constant, that is.
Sucrose is stored in dry and closed container, sealed properly.
- Sucrose is nothing but the table sugar which we use daily in our life.
- Sucrose is formed by the combination of fructose and glucose so, it called a disaccharide because two monosaccharides are converted to form sucrose.
- It is a hygroscopic substance. The hygroscopic substance is which is easily vulnerable to water absorption. They tend to absorb water if they are being exposed to humid places.
- Hence, it should be kept in a dry and close container, sealed properly.
pH is an index of how many protons, or hydrogen ions (H+) are dissolved and free in a solution. The pH scale goes from 0 to 14. A fluid with a pH of 7 is neutral. Below 7, it is acidic; above 7, it is alkaline.
The more below or above 7 a solution is, the more acidic or alkaline it is. The scale is not linear—a drop from pH 8.2 to 8.1 indicates a 30 percent increase in acidity, or concentration of hydrogen ions; a drop from 8.1 to 7.9 indicates a 150 percent increase in acidity. Bottom line: Small-sounding changes in ocean pH are actually quite large and definitely in the direction of becoming less alkaline, which is the same as becoming more acidic.
If you think about it, we use descriptive words like this all the time. A person who stands 5’5” tall and weighs 300 pounds isn’t thin. If he loses 100 pounds, he still won’t be thin, but he will be thinner than he was before he went on the diet. (And we are more likely to comment that he’s looking trimmer than to say he’s not as fat as he used to be.)
1 g
The half-life of Am-242 (16 h) is the time it takes for half of it to disappear.
We can make a table of the mass left after each half-life.

The mass remaining after 48 h is 1 g.
So that you can learn while being safe. Wearing goggles, for eye protection when dealing with chemicals